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Exciting Changes at Miranda Walton Photography

You might’ve noticed I’ve been a bit quiet on social media recently… but there’s been lots going on behind the scenes at Miranda Walton Photography! I am thrilled to share the exciting news of my engagement to my incredible partner, Jeremy, and the next chapter we are...

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Mother’s Day this year is the 19th March so I’ve pulled together some ideas to help celebrate all of you amazing mums with my Mother’s Day Gift Guide. It’s a special opportunity to show the mothers in our lives just how much we appreciate all that...

Shop Local this Christmas

Online shopping has been a saviour this year, and the likes of Amazon have made it so easy for us. But while the rich have been getting richer, the smaller, independent shops have been struggling. Forced to close their doors for so long and totally change and adapt...
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.


Newborn and sibling photography

Newborn and sibling photography

WHY A NEWBORN PHOTOGRAPHY SESSION IS PERFECT FOR CELEBRATING SIBLING BONDS There’s nothing quite like the bond between siblings, especially when welcoming a new member into the family. Those precious moments of connection, tenderness, and playfulness are worth...

Why you should always print

Why you should always print

The Digital Black Hole Have you ever wondered why at Miranda Walton Photography we believe so strongly in printed products? If you do just one thing today, watch the first 35 seconds of this clip from Bladerunner 2049! It talks about the 10 days of darkness after a...

Preparing for your baby’s cake smash

Preparing for your baby’s cake smash

Is your little one’s first birthday approaching? If so, you’re probably considering how to mark the most special birthday and you’ve also probably considered a cake-smash portrait session to celebrate! It’s one of my most popular session types and for good reason. ...