Travelling With Toddlers


Travelling With Toddlers: A Photographer’s Guide to Memorable Holidays

Travelling with small children is an adventure in itself. It’s a journey filled with laughter, challenges, and unforgettable moments. And as a professional family photographer, my aim is to help you capture these beautiful memories with my ultimate summer holiday guide. Filled with family-friendly travel tips, exciting activities to keep your little ones engaged, and photo opportunity suggestions, this guide is your perfect companion for your upcoming holiday and you can grab the free download at the end of this blog!

Travelling with toddlers young girl jumping on the beach

Travelling Tips

Planning and preparation are key to a smooth family holiday. Consider booking direct flights or accommodation close to your activities.  If you’re travelling by air, choosing a resort close to the airport is a sensible move. This can dramatically reduce transit times and help avoid meltdowns. 

For capturing those candid moments, always keep your camera (or your smartphone) handy. You never know when the perfect opportunity might arise, be it a spur-of-the-moment ice cream stop or a playful splash in the pool.  A great purchase is a waterproof phone pouch designed for capturing pictures and videos underwater.  These are an inexpensive way to have hours of fun as well as collect photographs of your holiday from a different perspective.


Engaging Activities

Nothing makes for great photos like genuine joy and engagement. Consider involving your children in holiday planning. Have them make a list of what they would like to do or see. This involvement can generate excitement, and you'll capture priceless expressions when they see a beloved animal at the zoo or try a new water sport.

Create a travel journal with your little ones. Encourage them to draw or write about what they see and do every day. This not only keeps them engaged but also provides wonderful memories to look back on.


Picture-Perfect Opportunities

Each family holiday destination has unique opportunities for amazing photos. For beach holidays, take advantage of the golden hour - the time right after sunrise or before sunset - for heartwarming family photos with stunning, natural lighting. Make sure to capture those sandcastle-building sessions, first-time snorkelling experiences, and beach picnics!

In cities, seek out colourful murals or iconic landmarks as backdrops for your photos. Try taking photos from different perspectives to add some creativity to your shots. Don’t forget to capture the little details too, like the curious faces at a local market or the tiny hands holding exotic fruits.

Country parks and forests are perfect for adventure shots. Capture your family's hiking feats, their awe-inspiring gazes upon encountering wild animals, or simply the tranquillity of a picnic amidst nature.

Embarking on a holiday with small children can seem daunting, but with the right planning, it doesn’t need to be stressful.  After all, these precious moments of carefree holidays are the ones your family will look back on for years to come.

Happy travelling and happy snapping!



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